AI-powered Learning

How It Works

Unlock Your English Exam Preparation Potential with ExamoBoost

Flexible Credit System
1 Credit = 1 Test. Tailor your practice with straightforward plans that suit any study approach.
Instant AI Feedback
Advanced AI, including fine-tuned GPT-4 and BERT, offers instant, detailed feedback to highlight improvement areas.
Reliable Accuracy
Our feedback system, trained on over 400,000 samples, ensures detailed analysis, akin to a real examiner's insight.
Ongoing Refinement
Top educators and former examiners continuously train our AI models, ensuring peak quality and accuracy.
Progress Tracking
Review any practice session to revisit your answers and learn from past mistakes effectively.
Weakness Detection
Our system identifies recurring errors, helping you spot patterns and turn weaknesses into strengths.

Best Practices

Maximize your study with proven strategies.

Dark Theme for Eye Comfort
ExamoBoost offers a dark mode for late-night study sessions to reduce eye strain, ensuring comfort without compromising on productivity.
Regular Practice for Consistent Improvement
Utilize your credits regularly to build and maintain momentum. Consistent practice under exam conditions sharpens your skills and builds confidence.
Review Feedback in Detail
After each practice test, take the time to go through the feedback thoroughly. Understanding the rationale behind each suggestion or correction is key to improvement.
Review Practice History
Regularly review your practice history to assess your progress. Identifying trends and areas of improvement can help tailor your future study sessions for maximum efficiency.