Practice IELTS Writing Task 1


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IELTS Academic Writing Report checker, trained on 20k+ samples by top tutors and former examiners, helps you practice IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic) with real questions. Familiarize yourself with the format, understand scoring criteria, and identify weaknesses.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic) Scoring Criteria

If you are aiming for a top band score in your IELTS Academic Writing Report, understanding what the examiners are looking for is crucial. This is the official IELTS scoring criteria for IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic) covering everything from how well you present data to the flow of your writing, your vocabulary, and your grammar.

Band 9

All the requirements of the task are fully satisfied. The response is well organised, precise, and detailed, with virtually no errors.

Task Achievement
Fully satisfies all the requirements of the task. Clearly and accurately presents information with strong supporting details.
Coherence and Cohesion
Information is organised logically, and cohesion is used naturally and skillfully, with no strain for the reader. Paragraphing is managed effectively.
Lexical Resource
Uses a wide range of vocabulary with accuracy and flexibility. Minor spelling errors are extremely rare.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Uses a wide range of sentence structures with high accuracy. Errors, if any, are very rare and insignificant.

Band 8

The response covers all the requirements of the task, with a few minor omissions or lapses in precision.

Task Achievement
Covers all the requirements of the task appropriately and sufficiently.
Coherence and Cohesion
Logically sequences information and ideas with occasional lapses. Cohesive devices are well managed.
Lexical Resource
Uses a wide range of vocabulary flexibly. Occasional errors in word choice or spelling do not impede communication.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Uses a variety of sentence structures. Most sentences are error-free, but occasional errors do not impede communication.

Band 7

The response is well-organised, addressing the task appropriately. A few lapses in clarity or development are noticeable.

Task Achievement
Addresses all parts of the task with relevant information, though some details may lack depth.
Coherence and Cohesion
Information and ideas are logically organised with occasional lapses. Cohesion is used effectively but not always appropriately.
Lexical Resource
Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to convey clear meaning, though some inappropriate word choice may occur.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Uses a variety of complex structures, though errors may occur. The errors rarely impede communication.

Band 6

The response addresses the task but lacks detail or clarity. The organisation of ideas may be somewhat mechanical.

Task Achievement
Addresses the task, though some important features may be omitted or insufficiently developed.
Coherence and Cohesion
Information is generally organised coherently, though there may be some inappropriate or mechanical use of cohesive devices.
Lexical Resource
Uses an adequate range of vocabulary but may have limitations in flexibility or precision. Errors in word choice and spelling may be frequent.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
A mix of simple and complex sentence structures is used, though grammatical errors are frequent and may impede meaning.

Band 5

The response generally addresses the task but may lack focus, clarity, or organisation. Errors are noticeable.

Task Achievement
The task is generally addressed, but key details or features may be unclear or irrelevant.
Coherence and Cohesion
Ideas are organised, but there may be a lack of clear progression. Cohesion is sometimes faulty.
Lexical Resource
Limited range of vocabulary with frequent errors in word choice and spelling, making meaning unclear at times.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Complex sentences are attempted but frequently faulty. Errors may impede understanding.

Band 4

The response is minimal and may not fully address the task. Ideas may be unclear and difficult to follow.

Task Achievement
Attempts to address the task but with insufficient coverage or inappropriate details.
Coherence and Cohesion
The organisation of information is lacking, with little or no clear progression. Cohesion is used inaccurately or minimally.
Lexical Resource
Basic vocabulary is used repetitively with frequent errors. Word choice often impedes meaning.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Frequent errors in sentence construction and grammar severely impede understanding.

Band 3

The response is very limited and may be unclear or unrelated to the task. Errors predominate.

Task Achievement
The task is minimally addressed and lacks clarity. Key features are irrelevant or absent.
Coherence and Cohesion
There is no clear structure or logical progression. Cohesive devices are rarely used.
Lexical Resource
Vocabulary is extremely limited and inappropriate. Errors predominate, making communication difficult.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Frequent grammatical errors and lack of sentence control make communication nearly impossible.

Band 2

The response barely relates to the task. Severe communication issues due to lack of vocabulary and grammar control.

Task Achievement
Provides little or no relevant content in response to the task.
Coherence and Cohesion
Virtually no organisation or cohesion. Sentences are disconnected and lack progression.
Lexical Resource
Extremely limited vocabulary prevents the communication of any clear meaning.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Grammatical errors predominate, and no sentence control is evident.

Band 1

The response is wholly unrelated to the task and provides no meaningful content.

Task Achievement
Fails to address the task. Little or no content relevant to the task.
Coherence and Cohesion
No organisation of ideas or information is evident.
Lexical Resource
Only isolated words are used, with no clear communication.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy
No evidence of sentence structure or grammatical control.

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