IELTS Letter Checker - Sample Band 5

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Band 5 | IELTS Letter Sample Band 5 (General Training)

Overall Score
03 Aug 24, 09:51
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Overall Feedback

The letter addresses the main points but lacks detail and clarity. Grammar and vocabulary are basic, with some errors affecting readability. Coherence and cohesion are weak due to abrupt transitions and incomplete ideas.
Overall score5.0
Grammatical range and accuracy5.0
Lexical resource5.0
Coherence & cohesion5.0
Task response4.0
Total Errors12
Grammatical range and accuracy2
Lexical resource2
Coherence & cohesion3
Task response5

Writing Task

You used a travel booking website for the first time and had a mixed experience. Write a letter to your friend describing what happened.
Describe the website and what you booked
Explain both the positive and negative aspects of the experience
Share your thoughts on whether you would use the site again
#Travel Booking

Submitted Answer

English:UK English
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Global Issues:
Word Count Requirement
Vocabulary Usage
Grammar Range
Logical Flow
Bullet Point Missing or Incomplete
Bullet Point Missing or Incomplete
Bullet Point Missing or Incomplete
Dear Tisha,
It has been a long time since I saw you, hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter today to share my recent experience with a website named as Flair.
as I used it to book my recent flight to Edmonton. It has been a mixture of both positive and negative feelings, as I was not fully satisfied with their offerings. A good price was offered by them, but were unable to provide the boarding pass in the digital wallet. Which resulted in a huge disappointment as well as
wait in that cue at the airport. I was excited as well as sad on the other end. Wanted to describe my feedback on this experience. Will try to see you soon.
Your loved friend,

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