IELTS Writing Academic Checker - Sample Band 5

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Band 5 | IELTS Writing Academic Report Sample Band 5 (Academic Training)

Overall Score
29 Sept 24, 14:00
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Overall Feedback

The answer provides a general overview of the immigration trends but lacks clarity and precision. There are several grammatical errors and the vocabulary is limited. The coherence and cohesion could be improved with better organization and clearer connections between ideas.
Overall score5.0
Grammatical range and accuracy5.0
Lexical resource5.0
Coherence & cohesion5.0
Task response5.0
Total Errors20
Grammatical range and accuracy7
Lexical resource6
Coherence & cohesion5
Task response2
The bar chart displays the annual number of immigrants to the United States from four regions (Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa) from 2015 to 2020. Describe the trends and notable points in the immigration patterns.
Compare the immigration numbers from each region over the given years.
Identify any regions with significant increases or decreases.
Discuss the possible implications of these trends.
#Immigration and Emigration
#Bar Chart
Submitted Answer
English:UK English
Paragraph Count Requirement
Vocabulary Usage
Grammar Range
Logical Flow
Bullet Point Missing or Incomplete
This data demonstrates the annual number of immigrants to the
united states
from four regions
between 2015 to 2020
. Overall, Asia has the largest amount of immigrants to Africa. This rate gradually growing throughout the year
it keeps fluctuated due to the slight decline on 2020.
Asia starts with 800 immigrants on 2015, followed with Europe, Latin America and Africa.
However, despite
having the steady rise compared to its competitive regions such as Europe and Latin Americ, both regions
the stable expansion through 2015 to 2020, it
show any significant drop compared to Africa that remains constant to three other regions.
On 2019, Asia's immigrant population to
united states
rose up
quickly to more than 900 immigrants in one year, defeating its first immigration history on 2015. On the second place, Europe with its constant trends,
displays any significant jump and only go up by 50 on 2016. Similar to
, Latinas and Africans remained stable
between 2015 to 2018
, these two regions immigrations does not show any notable growth and keep steadily rising only less than 50 peoples.

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