IELTS Writing Academic Checker - Sample Band 6

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Band 6 | IELTS Writing Academic Report Sample Band 6 (Academic Training)

Overall Score
07 Oct 24, 12:57
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Overall Feedback

The response provides a general overview of the data but contains several grammatical errors and lacks clarity in some parts. While the main trends are identified, the analysis could be more precise and cohesive, with improved vocabulary usage.
Overall score6.0
Grammatical range and accuracy6.0
Lexical resource6.0
Coherence & cohesion6.0
Task response5.0
Total Errors12
Grammatical range and accuracy4
Lexical resource3
Coherence & cohesion3
Task response2
The bar chart compares the cultural event attendance rates in four European countries in 2021.
Describe the overall attendance rates in the given countries.
Identify and explain any notable differences between the countries.
Discuss any trends or patterns that can be observed from the data.
#Cultural Participation
#Bar Chart
Submitted Answer
English:UK English
Vocabulary Usage
Grammar Range
Logical Flow
Bullet Point Missing or Incomplete
The bar chart illustrates the cultural event attendance rates in four European countries-France, Germany, Italy and Spain in 2021.
Overall, it is clear from the chart that the majority of people who attended functions came from France. Spain and Germany also had hosted a significant percentage, while only a relatively small proportion of attendees were from Italy.
The preponderance of groups attending events came from France, boasting the highest average
close to 75% . In fact, it is 5% less the maximum number of individuals participating annually.This figure indicates a peak cultural engagement within the community. In contrast, Italy reports the lowest appearances at approximately 55%, close to a third less than the highest nation France. This highlights notable demographic and economic disparities between the two states. The
second largest
group was from Spain. It represented roughly 70% of the population showing interest.
following closely is Germany,
, around 60%, surpassing Italy by 5
which ranks it in third position.
In conclusion, while some countries demonstrated substantial turn-ups to the cultural occasions than others, it is safe to say all five nations depicts attendance above the national average. However , predicting the future trends remains uncertain.

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