IELTS Writing Academic Checker - Sample Band 6

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Band 6 | IELTS Writing Academic Report Sample Band 6 (Academic Training)

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26 Sept 24, 20:58
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The answer provides a clear overview of the participation rates in cultural activities across different regions of Australia. However, there are some grammatical errors and inconsistencies in data interpretation that affect the overall clarity and accuracy.
Overall score6.0
Grammatical range and accuracy6.0
Lexical resource6.0
Coherence & cohesion6.0
Task response5.0
Total Errors14
Grammatical range and accuracy3
Lexical resource6
Coherence & cohesion3
Task response2
The bar chart illustrates the participation in cultural activities in different regions of Australia in 2019.
Summarize the key points and trends in the data.
Identify any regions with significantly higher or lower participation rates.
Compare the participation rates between the regions.
#Cultural Participation
#Bar Chart
Submitted Answer
English:UK English
Vocabulary Usage
Grammar Range
Logical Flow
Bullet Point Missing or Incomplete
The bar chart depicts the participation in cultural activities in Australia's five different cities: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia.
Overall, various trends can be observed, reflecting disparities in participation across states.
To begin with, it is clear that Victoria boasts the highest
approximately 70%, which appears to be the peak
standard for the nation.
In contrast, South Australia reports the lowest
rate of 50%, which is more than half of the national standards. This goes to confirm that, the majority of the population is more invested in engaging in traditional activities in comparison
that are reluctant to participate.
On the other hand, New South Wales ranks the
second best
position with roughly 65%. This figure is just 5% less than Victoria. It highlights significant similarities in interest in culture between these two states.
With respect to Western Australia, it is clear that it follows in third with 60%, again just 10% negative of the
national participation, surpassing Queensland by roughly 5%. This places Queensland in the fourth position.
In conclusion, while some cities demonstrate stronger cultural
than others, all five states reports participation above the national average. However, future trends remain uncertain as these rates do not illustrate any
patterns that could help predict the future.

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