How it Works

Discover how ExamoBoost works to unlock its full potential for your exam preparation

Flexible credit system

Your Prep, Your Choice

Straight-up plans for every study strategy.

1 Credit = 1 Test
Each credit lets you take one full practice test. You get detailed feedback to help you improve. It's straightforward: one credit, one test.
Why Not Unlimited?
We use a lot of computer power to check your work well, which costs a lot. So, we offer a set number of tests to keep things high-quality for you.
Quick Prep?
Choose a one-time package if you're quickly checking the exam format or need last-minute practice. It's the cheapest option.
Our subscription plans are great for longer study times. They offer more credits for less money, making it a better deal if you're preparing deeply.

AI-powered learning

Tech Stack

Tech-Driven exam mastery.

Fine-Tuned AI for Instant Feedback
Our fine-tuned AI models, including GPT-4 Turbo, BERT and other NLP models, provide immediate, detailed feedback to highlight areas for improvement.
Comprehensive Analysis
Our system provides detailed feedback by examining every aspect of your writing and speaking, just like in the real exam. This means we look at everything that could affect your scores, giving you a full picture of where you stand and how to improve.
Trusted Accuracy
Feedback is grounded in over 400,000+ exam samples, making it as reliable as feedback from an actual examiner.
Continuous Enhancement
Our AI models are constantly trained and refined, with top teachers and former examiners labeling samples to ensure the highest quality and accuracy in training the system.

Every practice, remembered

Tracking Progress

Tech-Driven exam mastery.

Review Anytime
Go back to any practice session to review your answers and understand your errors. This way, you never miss a lesson from your past attempts.

Work smart, not hard

Best Practices

Maximize your study with proven strategies.

Dark Theme for Eye Comfort
ExamoBoost offers a dark mode for late-night study sessions to reduce eye strain, ensuring comfort without compromising on productivity
Regular Practice for Consistent Improvement
Utilize your credits regularly to build and maintain momentum. Consistent practice under exam conditions sharpens your skills and builds confidence.
Review Feedback in Detail
After each practice test, take the time to go through the feedback thoroughly. Understanding the rationale behind each suggestion or correction is key to improvement.
Review Practice History
Regularly review your practice history to assess your progress. Identifying trends and areas of improvement can help tailor your future study sessions for maximum efficiency.